The SageMakerEndpointInput interface defines the input parameters for the SageMakerEndpoint class, which includes the endpoint name, client options for the SageMaker client, the content handler, and optional keyword arguments for the model and the endpoint.

interface SageMakerEndpointInput {
    clientOptions: SageMakerRuntimeClientConfig;
    contentHandler: SageMakerLLMContentHandler;
    endpointName: string;
    endpointKwargs?: Record<string, unknown>;
    modelKwargs?: Record<string, unknown>;
    streaming?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


clientOptions: SageMakerRuntimeClientConfig

Options passed to the SageMaker client.

The content handler class that provides an input and output transform functions to handle formats between LLM and the endpoint.

endpointName: string

The name of the endpoint from the deployed SageMaker model. Must be unique within an AWS Region.

endpointKwargs?: Record<string, unknown>

Optional attributes passed to the InvokeEndpointCommand

modelKwargs?: Record<string, unknown>

Key word arguments to pass to the model.

streaming?: boolean